New paper: ecological genomics of salmonid fishes
Spanning recent studies on salmonid fishes across the globe, Elmer summarises some of the key lessons learned on life history tactics, ecological speciation, and stock integrity by using genomic tools. For those readers new to ecological genomics, this paper clearly describes some of the key modern techniques and how they can be applied to questions about your study species in the wild. Also included is some ‘best practices’ advice for field biologists, so that the hard work that goes into ecological and fisheries collections can also have a long future in genomic applications. Elmer KR (2016) Genomic tools for new insights to variation, adaptation, and evolution in the salmonid fishes: a perspective for charr. Hydrobiologia, online early doi: 10.1007/s10750-015-2614-5, 18. The paper is available freely and open access from Hydrobiologia