
Showing posts from December, 2018

Welcome to a new visiting research student

Welcome to Li Chao, a visiting PhD student from Jun ZHAO's lab at the South China Normal University. Li Chao is here with a scholarship to work on conservation genetics and genomics projects about rare fishes.

"Behind the paper' blog by Arne

Arne Jacobs wrote a great blog post for Nature Ecology and Evolution 'behind the paper' about our recent whitefish study. Find it here Arne and Kathryn on the early morning sampling run Jasminca getting serious about sampling Hendrick and Arne sampling Madeleine and Arne giving a seminar to Konstanz Limnologie

New paper published: Nature Ecology and Evolution on new diversity after ecosystem recovery

Our paper is out, which finds the genetic basis of traits underpinning very rapid ecological expansion in a whitefish species and shows how fish biodiversity can recover after pollution clean-up. These findings demonstrate the potential of functional diversity to re-emerge rapidly following habitat restoration. However, this potential for recovery is likely contingent on genetic architecture, ecological context, and evolutionary history. Jacobs, A., M. Carruthers, R. Eckmann, E. Yohannes, C. E. Adams, J. Behrmann-Godel, and K. R. Elmer, 2018 Rapid niche expansion by reuse of genetic material after ecosystem recovery . Nature Ecology and Evolution online early: 1-13. See our 'behind the scenes'  post here A full-text view-only version  is available with SharedIt at: This paper is highlighted by the University of Glasgow Media Office News at **** Press release **** Scientists find clu...