
Showing posts from July, 2019

fully funded PhD position available in charr population genomics

A competitive fully-funded PhD studentship is be available to study adaptation and population genomics of Scotland's most variable fish the Arctic charr -- with Colin Adams and Kathryn Elmer at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. We are looking for an enthusiastic evolutionary biologist to join our team! Project: The lake-dwelling salmonid fish, the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is highly diverse both in phenotype and genotype. This takes the form of substantial variation within and between lakes; in some places the latter being expressed as eco-morphologically distinct and reproductively isolated sympatric polymorphisms. In addition the species is of high conservation value in the UK. This project will use high-resolution population genomic techniques to resolve questions about the phylogenetic similarities between allopatric and sympatric populations to inform the taxonomic position of the species and to help identify units that may require conservation protection. Sampl...