New paper: Resolving the history of fire salamanders
In a recent paper, Inferring the shallow phylogeny of true salamanders (Salamandra) by multiple phylogenomic approaches, we used three large-scale molecular datasets to identify the evolutionary relationships in salamanders. To date these have been effectively unresolvable as there was never sufficient data for the deeper nodes. Here we found that ddRADseq and RNAseq nuclear data -- both using thousands of loci -- resolved the same phylogenetic topologies of all the species involved. However full mitogenome data suggested a slightly different history of the Salamandra atra-lanzai-corsica species. We suggest this may be because of ancient introgression of mitochondrial genomes. Importantly, our study shows that SNPs from ddRADseq (now using illumina NextSeq) can also be used to tackle deeper evolutionary relationships, perhaps just as well (and for less cost) as transcriptomes. The Glasgow portion of this work was led by PhD student James Burgon.