New paper: Intraspecific variation and structuring of phenotype in a lake-dwelling species are driven by lake size and elevation
Research from now-FSBI PhD student Peter Koene, from his masters project in Glasgow -
The fragmented, heterogeneous and relatively depauperate ecosystems of recently glaciated lakes present contrasting ecological opportunities for resident fish. Across a species, local adaptation may induce diverse and distinct phenotypic responses to various selection pressures. We tested for intraspecific phenotypic structuring by population in a common native lake-dwelling fish species across a medium-scale geographic region with considerable variation in lake types. We investigated potential lake-characteristic drivers of trophic morphology. Using geometric morphometric techniques, we quantified the head shapes of 759 adult brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) from 28 lakes and reservoirs across Scotland. Multivariate statistical analyses showed that almost all populations differed from one another. Trout from larger and deeper lakes had deeper, but shorter heads, and smaller eyes. Higher elevation lakes were associated with fish with shorter heads and jaws. Within-population shape variation also differed by population, and was positively correlated with lake surface area and depth. Trout within reservoirs differed subtly from those in natural lakes, having larger eyes, shorter jaws and greater variability. This study documents an extraordinary morphological variation between and within populations of brown trout, and demonstrates the role of the extrinsic environment in driving phenotypic structuring over a medium-scale and varied geographic area.